
A few of my favs...

Here are a few of my favourite things right now... all which I hope to enjoy this long weekend!

Magazines + Tulips

I love it when my InStyle magazine shows up in the mail. Nothing better than an easy read, a cup of tea and fresh tulips.

The Hunger Games

To say I've been obbsessed with this series would be an understatement. I haven't been able to put these books down. The Hunger Games are a pulse-pounding, page-turning trilogy. This gets 5 stars from me.

Coffee Mugs

I got these from Vancouver's wonderful decor boutique, The Cross. These paisley embossed mugs are so whimsical and feminine; perfect for my morning cup of coffee!

The Vancouver Canucks

Us Vancouverites are avid, fiesty and fearless Canuck fans. The NHL playoffs are happening and it's so much fun to get together with family and friends to cheer on the boys!
Go Canucks Go!

{Photo by Jeff Vinnick via UnDrafted}

DIY Projects

Decorating our home office seems to be the never ending (but fun) project. Recently, I used some pure white gloss spray paint on a few picture frames and I'm so happy with how they turned out.


And then there are these. Perfect. Delicious. Sinful. Brownies. I've got a batch in the oven right now... Cause the Easter bunny told me to.

After I polish off the brownies, I'm burning my skinny jeans.

I hope you're having a wonderful long weekend, enjoying your favorite things and spending time with the ones you love!


  1. I love DIY projects too and those brownies look fabulous :)

  2. I love love love those coffee mugs!

  3. those brownies!! i can't wait to try them.

  4. I felt the same way about the Hunger Games... I kind of want to read all three books again!

  5. Tulips!.. Love them! Have a great weekend, ~ xoxo

  6. Im loving tulips right now too! Its great to have fresh flowers in a room!

    Vanessa xx

  7. InStyle + better than crack brownies = Easter Sunday :) Have a good weekend!

  8. Awww, this post made me smile Mary! InStyle is absolutely one of my faves too (esp the UK version!)- so accessible and full of 'real girl' style. And I hope the Canucks get it done next game! Hope you're having a great long weekend :)


  9. You are adorable Mary. We love alike.

  10. This is such a great post - the last photo definitely made me drool a little. I love brownies! :)

  11. Just read my instlye over a pedi yesterday! Just the best! :)

  12. love the coffee mugs.. and ofcourse the brownies..

    new to ur space n so happy to follow u !
    Do visit my blog as time permits ..

  13. I've never heard of the Hunger Games. I'll have to look into it! I'm always looking for something good to read :D

  14. So similar in so many ways - I love tulips and this time of year always makes me happy. Also, I'm crazy obsessed with the Hunger Games series and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I read them three times in a row without stopping, and I never do that with books.

  15. I've been wanting to spray paint some of my frames as well. Seeing your photo was just the kick in the butt I needed!

  16. I love The Hunger Games. I am reading Catching Fire now (and a little bit obesessed).

  17. Great loves! I'll have to read the Hunger Games... I love a good page turner. And the brownies are chocolate licentiousness at it's best!

  18. I love so many of these things! I'm loving having chocolate back in my life after Lent, and these crack brownies look like the perfect way to indulge!

  19. nyaww thanks for your comment♥
    I can't believe I have never seen your blog before! so many delicious recipes!! those brownies look AYE-Mazing!!

  20. Mary, LOVE your blog! I'm so glad I stumbled up on it!

    Aren't tulips the best? They're such a happy flower. :)

    Can't wait to read more!

  21. I CANNOT WAIT for the Hunger Games movies! Also, WOO HOO for hockey! ;)


  22. Thanks for the comment!

    Omg, just from this post I'm LOVING the coffee mugs, they're absolutely perfect <3 Lovely blog this is! :)

  23. You have just a great blog! I came to thank you for the comment on mine, but then spent time reading your previous posts... :) Will be following you from now on. :)

  24. I have been on the fence about reading the Hunger Games books...looks like I need to get them!!

  25. Those brownies look AMAZING... did you end up making them this weekend??

  26. Thanks for sharing your favorites. Happy for you that the Canucks are still in it. For us--Blackhawks out:( I need to make a batch of brownies for my boys to ease the pain. Cheers!

  27. Those mugs are gorgeous! I love myself some magazines and zulips too!!!

  28. Wow - you've got a some amazing favorite things. That picture frame is especially fantastic. I am so looking forward to decorating my office. It must be rewarding to work in a place you actually like hanging out in. One day...

  29. My mom and are with you on the Hunger Games, we are eagerly awaiting the movies to come out.

  30. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you liked the Cookie Monster Cookies :) Confessions: I LOVED Hunger Games too!! I'm following you on Twitter now!

  31. Well firstly... I'm seriously famished after seeing all these gorgeous food pictures, wow. I'm thinking that this might be my fave diet food ever!!

    And I'm loving your gorgeous mugs from The Cross... I take it you are a Vancouver gal? Yay, for local bloggers ...great to run into your blog. Hope you're having a terrific Thursday. xx veronika

  32. your fav items are amazing!!!!! those coffee mugs are too cute :)
    Little Miss

  33. I fully support crack brownies. Although, anything with chocolate tends to turn me into a relentless junkie. Its a good kind of bad :) Thanks for swinging by Deep Dish!

  34. Those mugs look so beautiful! I've seen those brownies before but I'm afraid to make them. They sound dangerous!

  35. I can't concentrate on anything else because those brownies look too delicious. I may or may not have drooled on my keyboard. sigh...

  36. crack brownies , LOVE IT!!


  37. Hi Mary, thanks for leaving a comment on my website. Now I'm here at your site and I'm in love with your style - photography, website, all the baking stuff...and you look gorgeous (I thought you are celebrity or something haha!). I'm now following you on facebook so I won't miss your new post. ;-) Nice to meet you!

  38. I like the photographs. They pop so well, good job. I want to try these "crack" brownies you speak so madly of.

  39. Oh my gosh I have to make those brownies! Yum!

    Love the Hunger Games. :)

  40. I'm dying to read The Hunger Games! I have so many friends that have read the series and love it, so it's been added to my summer reading list :) xoxo Marissa


  41. I've heard the hunger games are really good. those cups are very pretty.

    Please visit my blog when you have the chance.


  42. I have become a new found fan of Vancouver Canucks... watched it while we were travelling in Vancouver and Toronto. Great game in the 7th round... massive win :)

  43. I haven't read your blog in quite a while... thought I'd stop by to see if there was a post about cookies in an iron skillet. ;)

    Anyway, I have to say that I too LOVED the Hunger Games... was done all 3 in about 10 days, reading them every spare moment I had... talk about a page turner!!

  44. Oh my goodness!! I'm beginning to wish I didn't visit your site now as all I can think about are those brownies!! haha! 'tuesday treat-day' ?? I think it may have to be! :) Lovely blog, fantastic style and a great read. Will defo be back soon! :)

  45. Hmm Im not sure why my name didn't show up there... it was me anyways! :)

  46. I'm so glad you found my blog and left a comment. This post grabbed me right away! I've only read the first Hunger Games book, but I love it and can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the trilogy! Also.. the Canadian Olympics practically took over my life (I lived in Canada for a few years of my childhood and remember it fondly.

  47. i literally read all three of the hunger games books within 24 hours. sooo good! im glad you found my blog earlier so i could link back and take a look at yours. i love it!
