
Welcome to Delightful Bitefuls!

I have been stirring (mixing, blending, whisking… whatever ;-)) over the idea of a baking blog for a while now. See, I really enjoy baking and have personally found some of my favorite recipes online.

So here I am blogging; ready to share my baking successes, creations and disasters with you.

I should be sure to point out that I am in no way a qualified baker. I didn’t go to culinary school, I don’t subscribe to Martha and I’ve never attended a cooking class. I am however, creative, always hungry and find great delight in combining precise measurements to concoct the most delicious, mouth-watering, scrumptious desserts.

It should also be known that I’m not here to take credit for recipes that are not my own and will naturally give credit where credit is deserved. But, if I were ever to create a recipe I would graciously accept all the praise!

I will however lie, beg, borrow and steal. Let me explain.

I will lie and tell you that the desserts are “healthy” and do not have as many calories as you think they do ;-)
I will beg my husband to try just “one more” cookie or piece of cake.
I will borrow any recipe, idea, concept or form of creativity I can get my hands on.
I will steal… well, I will try to steal my mom’s famous secret chocolate chip cookie recipe! (We all need to have it!)

And to the dysfunctional dieters, “Hello” ;-)

I am always on a “diet” but recently figured out that the reason I’m always “dieting” is because my “diet” always consists of at least one treat a day. And of course, I use the term “treat” loosely. Depending on the day, the size of the treat can vary. Plus, think of all of the calories I’m burning walking up and down the stairs to indulge in another delicious brownie! So, I’ve thrown the scale out the window and bought measuring cups instead. Life’s too short not to enjoy all of the delightful things, right?

With that said, welcome to my blog, Delightful Bitefuls! I hope you find something you’d like to try, get inspired to bake something delicious, enjoy all of my successes and failures and get enthused to get into the kitchen and whip up something delightful!

“Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread & pumpkin pie.” – Jim Davis


  1. Excellent idea! I think you should add in the recipe for the pumpkin cookies with cream cheese icing - those were delicious! Besides, a pumpkin is one of those foods that most people think is a vegetable but is technically a fruit, so it must be even better for you if it can squeeze itself into two healthy classifications, right? ;) Rxo

  2. Yummy blog! I just checked out your recipes and will certainly come back for ideas. I'm always baking! Thanks for the comment.

  3. Hi Mary - what a wonderful blog! great pictures and recipes - I will definitely be back to try out your cookie and cake recipes. Thanks!
