
Chocolate Chip Cookies

These are not your average chocolate chip cookies… these are different, delightful and mighty delicious!

This cookie differs from most because it calls for all brown sugar, which lends a chewier texture and more flavors of caramel. The recipe calls for shortening which provides the beautiful shape and height of the cookie and there is the addition of two spices, cinnamon and ginger, which lend depth to the caramel flavor without totally dominating the cookie. After leaving the dough to rest in the freezer for at least an hour to develop the flavors you roll the cookie balls in confectioners’ sugar before baking - this adds a brilliant touch of flavor.

I love all of the additions in this chocolate chip cookie and I'm so happy I veered away from the traditional recipe and took a chance on these. My dad said these were the best he has ever had and he has had a lot of chocolate chip cookies! Be sure to bake these - I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
From: She Runs, She Eats


1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups dark brown sugar, packed
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon instant espresso powder
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup bread flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
3/4 teaspoon coarse salt
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup confectioners' sugar, and more if needed
additional coarse salt


Preheat oven to 350° F. In a medium bowl, whisk together flours with baking soda, spices, and salt.

In a large bowl, beat the shortening and butter with the brown sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy, about 3-5 minutes. Add the egg and beat to mix, followed by the vanilla and espresso. Slowly add flour mixture to butter mixture just until combined, then stir in the chocolate chips until blended. Transfer dough to a container and chill for at least two hours.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the confectioners' sugar in a wide, shallow bowl or pie pan and place next to baking sheet. Portion out rounded tablespoons of cookie dough to fill sheet. Roll into balls, then roll until completely coated in sugar. Using the back of a spoon or your thumb, make a shallow indent on the top of the balls and sprinkle a few grains of coarse salt on top.

Bake for 11 minutes, until tops are just set and edges are barely beginning to brown. Remove from oven and place on a cooling rack, cookies still on baking sheet, and let cool for 10 minutes before transferring cookies from the sheet to the rack to completely cool. Repeat process with remaining dough.


  1. Yumm these cookies look great! And tonight I'm having a little baking party with some friends, so I think I might try these! Cool blog. :)

  2. Oooooh with cocoa powder and cinammon? Delish!!


  3. Sounds like a great cookie. I'll take brown sugar over white anytime.

  4. mmmmm, me and dad just made these. very good. Ill try and get a picture of the boy trying to take a bite!

  5. These are the absolutely best chocolate chip cookies ever. I'm not going back to my old recipes. Love the ginger and salt. What a surprise.

  6. i'm sure shortening would always make things taste better! your cookies definitely look moist and delicious. i can use one now with a cold glass of milk :)

  7. I just made a batch of these and loved them! Thanks Mary. :) Also...love your photography!

  8. It's definitely all about the brown sugar in cookies! Fabulous. And great photos as Megan said!

  9. just had these again. the boy looked on in dissapointment.....awww, no cookies for the boy :(

  10. Glad you liked them! These are my favorite chocolate chip cookies.
