
{Mom's} Amazing Cranberry Pie

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! I hope you had a joyous time with your family and friends!

Have I told you about my mom?

My mom is Martha². Honest. Hand to heaven. Martha has a team and my mom’s creative genius is all her own. Not only does she bake incredible desserts (desserts that put mine to complete and utter shame) but she cooks the most creative, flavorful and delicious meals. She’s the full package deal and the first place I visit after I walk into her home is the fridge. Oh sweet, wonderful, delicious leftovers. Just to get my hands on anything that she has created. Unfortunately, especially for my darling husband, I didn’t inherit the cooking gene. There are still a few people praying (and take out is a Godsend).

You know what else is awesome about my mom?

Care packages.

They are probably more for her “Oh my, why don’t you feed him something else other than cookies” son-in-law but I happily accept whenever the care packages are offered (and may pack them and pretend to take credit for his lunches).

This Cranberry Pie was something of that form. She was sick and still managed to bring a few desserts to a family dinner. She packed the leftovers up and they got sent home with me. Once home, I snapped a few pictures before eating the en-ti-re c-are pack-age. Oops. It was divine.

I attempted to recreate this dessert using this recipe (which was good) but no where near as great as hers.

I have to start thinking of something good to bribe her with to get the recipe and it’s going to have to be something better than homemade dinner and dessert.

Here’s to amazing moms and a new year! Happy 2011!

PS - I  hope your New Year's resolutions work out better than mine did last year! :-)

Updated with Mom's recipe. Thanks, Mom!


3 cups fresh/frozen cranberries
3/4 cup pecans (toasted and chopped)
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar divided
1 cup all purpose flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbsp orange flavoured liqueur
2 tsp grated orange zest
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 ­ 3/4 c melted butter


Preheat oven to 325°F. Grease and lightly flour a 10 inch pie plate.

Place cranberries in pie plate and sprinkle with pecans and 1/2 cup of the sugar.

In a bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar, flour, eggs, butter ,liqueur, orange zest and baking powder until smooth. Pour over cranberries.

Bake for about 45 minutes or until top is golden and a tester inserted in the centre comes out clean. Let cool slightly on a rack. Serve warm or at room temperature. Serves 8.


  1. Maybe not as good as your Mums but it looks delicious to me. Diane

  2. So yummy, darling!
    Thanks for the recipe!

    Happy 2011!


  3. That looks really good! I love the pictures.

  4. Love cranberries in any way!:D Happy New Year! ~

  5. Love the texture here...i hope my young daughter becomes chef!

  6. It looks delicious! Your mom sounds so interesting. Sounds like you learned from the best!

  7. How awesome to have a mom who loves to cook and loves to cook for you. I would be willing to bet she would love to share her recipes with you. :-) This pie looks amazing.

  8. Hi Mary, thanks for dropping by my blog and glad to find yours too! Moms are indeed amazing. Cranberry pie sounds delicious - I would prob eat the whole thing too ;)

  9. This look delicious, Mary! Tell her you have lots of people begging her please give you the recipe ;)


  10. Aww your mom sounds lovely. And I think you DID inherit the cooking gene. This looks delicious :)


  11. What a lovely post :)
    This looks utterly delightful. Happy New Year to you! And don't be modest, I think you did inherit the cooking gene!

    Chloe x


  12. Your mom sounds awesome and I am sure you inherited a bit of her talent. This pie looks divine!

  13. Looks so prety



  14. Hey Mary! Your Mom sounds like she has quite the magical touch;-) Oh, and this cranberry pie looks wonderful. Your bottom photo shows how butter the flour part is-I hope you get the recipe, b/c I use cranberries all year long (smile)!
    p.s. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.

  15. Cranberry pie! Yum! Your mom does just what I do - I think Care Packages are part of the mom-code... Luv this pie because it keeps the cranberry luv going!

  16. Lucky girl! I wish I had a care package(s) too! This cranberry pie looks delicious and I love the color of it!

  17. I want those kinds of care packages. What an incredible mom to be able to cook and bake such wonderful things! That's an awesome looking pie.

  18. That's so sweet of your mom to send those care packages. I am sure they just make your day....hehe.
    Her cranberry pie looks lovely :)

  19. What a gorgeous pie! Care packages are so great, especially when they come from Mom.

  20. Hi Mary.. Thanks for the comment! I have to say your mom's cranberry pie looks amazing! I haven't yet attempted making homemade pie from scratch, but this looks scrumptious! I'm gonna bookmark. :-)

  21. I must have a thing for cranberries -- because my mouth is totally watering right now! Looks delish!

  22. i have some fresh/frozen cranberries that i have been contemplating what to do with... now i know!
